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Expertise to help you succeed

We specialize in healing ambulatory practices at the point of care. By starting in the exam room at the physician-patient interaction, our physicians offer the expertise to help physicians maximize their efficiency. 

We help physicians manage patient flow using evolving information technologies. Helping physicians design workflow to improve productivity, profitability, and patient satisfaction is our core competency. Our group has several professionals who are dedicated to providing services at many leading health care facilities. We provide clients with objective advice about implementing electronic medical records. Our experience allows us to comment on the workflow process, starting from needs assessment through the process of installing, training, and realizing the value of electronic medical record systems (EMRs). Having participated in the process with numerous practices, we have the experience and wisdom to assist physicians.


We will assist you in making difficult determinations. Successfully realizing business benefits separates our clients from those physicians who simply install technology.


Contact us, the leading provider of patient interview technology.

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